Fun Facts About Me |
- I sleep with at least a foot or hand dangling off the bed. - My favorite color is teal. - I have 3 beauty marks: cheek, back, lower cheek. - I like Kraft mac & cheese and hot cocoa on cold days. - I love old romantic comedy musicals. - I have big feet. 
P'an-Chin-Lien |
The Chinese Goddess of prostitutes. As a mortal, she was a widow who was much too liberal and inventive with her favors, and her father-in-law killed her. In death she was honored by her more professional associates and eventually became the goddess of whores. |
Baklava Cups |
1 (2 1/8oz) box frozen miniature phyllo cups 2/3 c. chopped mixed nuts 1-2 tsp. sugar 1/4 c. honey 1 tsp. water1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. 2. Place the shells on a baking sheet. Mix the sugar and chopped nuts and fill the shells. Bake for 8 minutes or until the shells are lightly browned. 3. Mix the honey and water in a small bowl and drizzle over the nuts. Serve warm or at room temperature. |
Kujiga: Korean Chant |
Song sung by the nine elders of Kaya when summoning King Suro. One of the earliest (if not the first) recorded instance of a shamanistic ritual (kut) in Korea. Keobuga, Keobuga Meorireul naeeora Naeeonoch'i aneumyeon Kuweo meogeuri "Turtle, Turtle Stick out your head If you don't We'll roast and eat you" |
Cortigiana Onesta |
In Italy, known as honest courtesans, the cortigiana onesta were usually well-educated and worldly (sometimes even more so than the average upper-class woman), and often held simultaneous careers as performers or artists. They were typically chosen on the basis of their "breeding"--social and conversational skills, intelligence, common sense, and companionship--as well as their physical attributes. It was usually their wit and personality that set them apart from regular women. They were prostitutes in the sense that sex was one of their obligations, but unlike the average prostitute, sex constituted only a facet of the courtesan's array of services. For example, they were expected to be well-dressed and ready to engage in a variety of topics ranging from art to music to politics. |
Tuesday, January 10, 2012 |
Fabric Dye and Hair |
It's been a very very very long time since I've posted but I really felt that this should go out there.
I love brightly colored hair. Blue, green, purple, red, fuchsia, teal, lavender, whatever. I have experimented with colors and methods for almost 20 years which means I've learned a lot and made enough mistakes to no longer have too much emotional attachment to my hair. I'll try anything. After all, hair just keeps growing.
The problem with those funny colors is that they only come in semi-permanent vegetable dyes. These dyes work by staining and often need to sit in the hair for a long while. Everyone I've met that dyes in funny colors, including myself, usually keep it in all day or over night. And then they fade with every wash. Every shampoo creates colored lather. I'm lazy, I don't want to reapply every 2-3 weeks.
So I had the bright idea for fabric dye. After all, it's used for wool, which is hair. And it's used on delicate fabrics. Next I need to find out if there's a fabric dye that doesn't require boiling water- there is! I chose Dylon Cold Water Fabric dye since it seemed the gentlest. I even found an instance of it being used on human hair extensions! This must be it!
My first attempt was to use it like regular dye. I made a 1"x3" section and "painted" the dye on, then wrapped in foil to "process" for 45minutes, just like I would with hair dye. All I got was a vague tint.
Weeks later I decided to I try it again as per the fabric dying instructions: submersion. I took that same section and dipped it into a jar that contained the dye mixture. Only about half of the 9" length was able to stay submerged for the recommended 45minutes. Holding a jar of dye against your face for 45 minutes is annoying.
When time was up and I went to rinse, I was amazed by the color! Holy cow, this is gonna be awesome! And then I touched it. I haven't felt hair this overprocessed and chemically burned since I tried to go from natural Asian black to platinum white in one weekend when I was in 9th grade!! I did my tried and true emergency measures of deep conditioning and protein pack, but it's useless: the cuticle is burnt off. My test strip is mush.
Dying human hair with fabric dye is a BAD idea.
In hindsight it makes sense: in order to be a cold water dye it probably uses a mild acid to deliver the pigment into the fiber. Cloth is made of thread, which is made of bits of fiber tightly twisted. It's okay for those tiny fiber bits to get damaged because they're twisted into a compressed strand. My individual strands of hair never stood a chance!
Now I'm off to chop of the damage. Hopefully the rest of the hair in that area will be able to conceal the cut. Lucky me that i couldn't get the whole length into the jar!
Lesson Learned!Labels: dye, experiement, hair |
posted by Coddswaddle @ 9:58 AM   |
About Me |

Name: Coddswaddle
High Priestess of the Dark Lord Internet
About Me: I was hatched long ago by a slightly neurotic squirrel. It was from that rodent that I cultivated an interest in shiny objects and innovative design. Marketing is a trial for me as I navigate the aisles of plastic-wrapped promotional products. At home I like to shoot aliens while smack-talking, cuddling my cats, and causing my fiancée grief.
See my complete profile
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